Antidote services
Though drugs, alcohol and chemsex may be fun and manageable for some, others may find it dominating their social life or leading to chaotic sexual encounters, isolation, unmanageable comedowns, wasting money, missing work or upsetting family or partners.
We offer harm-reduction information and provide free face-to-face support to help you make informed choices about your substance use. We can work with you whether you want to stop completely or achieve greater control over your use. We have a fabulous team who all identify as LGBTQ+ and are experienced in supporting LGBTQ+ folk with issues related to substance use.
We work in partnership with the NHS and other services to make referrals for detox or rehab, or to sexual health, mental health, or other specialised support. Accessing support is easy. Listed below are the details of how you can meet with our team. All of our services are free, your confidentially is paramount and no appointment is needed to access the two drop-ins we offer each week.
Monday Drop-In @London Friend
At our Monday morning drop-in, you will be greeted by the friendly Antidote team who will be ready to support you. Tea, coffee and biscuits are available and are provided for that much-needed comfort on a Monday morning. You do not need an appointment, so come along if you would like a referral to non-judgemental structured support, or just want a confidential and informal chat about your drug or alcohol concerns. Women and non-binary workers are available to see you at the Monday clinic.
When Every Monday, 11 am to 1 pm (Step-free access)
Where: London Friend, 86 Caledonian Road, London N19DN
Thursday Drop-In @Turning Point Soho
At our Thursday evening drop-in, you will find a welcoming and non-judgmental environment where the Antidote team will be available for a chat. No appointment is needed and refreshments are provided. Women and non-binary workers are available to see you at the drop-in.
When: Every Thursday, 6 pm to 8 pm (No step-free access)
Where: Turning Point, 32a Wardour Street, London W1D 6AQ
Axis Clinic @Caledcot Centre
The Axis Clinic has been created to provide support mostly for men who have sex with men (MSM). Support is offered through a range of interventions aimed at supporting clients to achieve more positive outcomes about HIV prevention and management, sexual health, mental health and substance (mis) use. The clinic is particularly targeted towards clients engaging in drug & sex-linked behaviour or “chemsex”.
The Axis Clinic is predominantly an appointment-based service for clients who would like advice, information and, support around chemsex.
When: Every Tuesday, 4 pm to 7 pm appointment time slots (Step-free access)
Where: Caldecot Centre, 15-22 Caldecot Road, Camberwell, London SE5 9RS email or call 020 3299 5000 option 2 and option 3.
If you would like to speak with a member of the Antidote team please email