In June of this year the Antidote team launched “ SWAP” the first ever Structured Weekend Antidote Programme, an intensive 4 week structured day programme (spread over 4 consecutive weekends) designed specifically to support clients to address issues around club drug use. The programme was a huge success (see below for feedback from SWAP participants) and we’re pleased to announce that we are now accepting referrals for the next programme due to start the first weekend in November.
Antidote has been, and remains, very much at the cutting edge of service provision for people whose lives have been affected by their use of club drugs and “legal” highs. We recognise that this client group, their patterns of use and subsequent treatment requirements require radically new approaches and SWAP has been developed as the result of years of research, experience and listening carefully to the feedback from our clients.
Who is it for?
SWAP is for men 18+ who identify as a Gay, Bi, trans or MSM (men who have sex with men) and feel that their drug use is either already out of control, getting out of control or is having a negative impact on their lives. The programme is aimed at supporting people to take those steps that will lead to greater control over their use or who would like to become drug free altogether
What does it involve?
SWAP is an intensive group programme over 4 full weekends (11 – 4.00 Saturday & Sunday). It takes our clients through a series of workshops aimed at helping them to understand and explore issues such as:
- Relapse Prevention
- Sex (inc. sober sex) & Sexuality
- Self Esteem & Confidence
- Assertiveness
- Relationships
- Boundaries
- Social/intimacy anxiety
- Thinking patterns
- Goal setting, life planning & decision making
- Relaxation & stress management
There is also an opportunity to try complimentary therapies such as acupuncture, reflexology and mindfulness meditation techniques.
For further information on the programme, speak to Jamie or Toni on 020 7833 1674 or visit
Some testimonials from our June programme
“Just to let you know that I was offered my dream job in one of the best firms I could have wished for. Without your help I wouldn't have achieved what I achieved in the past few months and would like to thank you again for your amazing support and guidance”
“I just wanted to say again how helpful the programme was and to thank you so much for everything. You'll be glad to hear that I'm just over 4 months chem-free now (i.e. no relapses since SWAP) and while it's still not easy, having done the course has made me a lot stronger.”