On top of the regular Antidote drop-ins, where you can always show up without an appointment, we also offer more structured support in terms of six weeks of keyworking. Having a keyworker allocated to you requires your commitment to the six sessions to help address your goals. There is usually a wait for keywork so a group programme, such as Chemcheck, may be a better option.
As there is a high demand for one-to-one support we will ask you to attend the drop-ins regularly whilst you are waiting to access this. We will be able to provide initial support this way, and it shows us you are committed to the process keyworking requires of you. We will not be able to offer keyworking unless you have shown regular commitment. This means that after your initial assessment you would need to attend the drop-in over six weeks in order to go on the waiting list for keyworking.
You can access a list of our services or contact us by email to discuss your needs: antidote@londonfriend.org.uk.