Statement on Stephen Port trial


Today sees the start of the trial of Stephen Port, the man who was arrested in 2015 and charged with causing the deaths of four young men in Barking.


When this news became public last year it was upsetting and worrying for many people. We know the reporting of the trial is likely to be an unsettling time for the LGBT community.


Whilst we don’t know what’s going to happen during the trial or how the media and public are going to react, media reports from the time Mr Port was charged with the offences alleged the case included the use of drugs and sexual assault.


Our website contains a range of information related to these reported issues: you can find some harm reduction information relating to drug use; our G-Aware pages contain information about the drugs GHB and GBL; and you can find more information about personal safety when using apps and online dating sites.


Free Chemsex support


Check out our chemsex support services for gay, bi and trans men who have sex with men:


A one-day chemsex workshop with our partners GMFA on October 22nd with information to help you gain more control over your sex life and sexual health. Find out more information and book here. Check back for future dates.


Chemcheck, a new 6-week programme in partnership with AfterParty London and Burrell Street. Find our more information and book here.


If your own drug or alcohol use is causing problems in your life we can offer one-to-one and group support through our Antidote service. We offer walk-in assessments in Kings Cross and Soho. We’re also at Code Clinic and cliniQ (for trans people) both at 56 Dean Sreet. You can call us on 020 7833 1674 or email Our services are all confidential.


Reporting a sexual assault


If you have experienced a sexual assault or hate crime you may be considering reporting this or seeking support. Galop is the lead LGBT organisation providing expert, confidential support to those affected by this case. You can read their statement on the trial here, and contact them for confidential advice and support.

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