Rise – a new HIV Prevention partnership in Lambeth, Southwark & Lewisham


London Friend is a partner in Rise, a new partnership delivering HIV prevention and sexual health services in Lambeth, Southwark & Lewisham (LSL). We will be providing one-to-one and group support to gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men where their risk is related to chemsex.

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Men wishing to gain more information about managing chems and preventing HIV can refer into Rise at Antidote, and over the coming months we’ll be establishing new locations within Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham to access support and information.


The Rise Partnership is led by NAZ, who together with Race Equality Foundation, GMFA and London Friend’s Antidote service will provide HIV prevention and sexual health services to Black African & Caribbean communities and gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM)  across Lambeth Southwark & Lewisham (LSL) from  April 2016.


For more information, or to access support, contact Antidote’s outreach manager Jamie Willis (click to email) or call us on 020 7833 1674.

For more information on The Rise Partnership click here.

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