London Friend is proud to work in partnership with a wide range of statutory and voluntary organisations to deliver high-quality health services to LGB&T people. Below are some examples of the partnerships we are involved in.
National LGBT Partnership
London Friend is proud to be part of The National LGB&T Partnership.
The Partnership was established in early 2010, in order reduce health inequalities and challenge homophobia, biphobia and transphobia within public services. As of April 2016, the Partnership combines the expertise of twelve key LGB&T organisations across England. Further organisations (both LGBT and non-LGBT) are invited to contribute to seminars and project work, based upon their particular skills and expertise.
The Partnership is a Sector Strategic Partner of the Department of Health, Public Health England and NHS England, collaborating with a wide range of Voluntary and Community sector organisations as part of The Health and Care Voluntary Sector Strategic Partner Programme.
The Health and Care Voluntary Sector Strategic Partner Programme brings the power of the voluntary sector together with the health system, to improve services and promote well-being for all.
In 2016, the Partnership commissioned a strategic review, undertaking consultation with both external and internal stakeholders. A summary report on the review can be found here.
London Friend is a founding member and the Partnership includes; London Friend; The LGBT Foundation; GMFA; GIRES; Stonewall Housing; Gay Advice Durham & Darlington; ELOP; Yorkshire MESMAC; Metro Centre; Birmingham LGBT; BiUK; and the Consortium of LGBT Voluntary & Community Organisations.
Club Drug Clinic
The Club Drug Clinic is a new NHS service for people who have begun to experience problems with their recreational drug use. Delivered in partnership with Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust this new innovative project is working with the increasing number of LGB&T people, young people and city workers using recreational drugs problematically. The clinic is based in the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital and was opened in 2011 by the Health Minister Anne Milton MP.
The partnership allows us to provide better integrated care packages for our service users with the benefit of a multi-disciplinary clinical team on-site, enabling access to additional services such as prescribing, detoxification and psychiatry where required.
CODE Clinic
Code is a partnership with sexual health service 56 Dean Street. Code is an innovative service targeting gay and bi men who are into the harder sex and fetish scene, or use drugs to facilitate sex. The clinic is a non-judgemental service that allows men to be open and frank about their drug use and sexual behaviour and its impact on their sexual health and well-being. The clinic offers full sexual health screenings; hepatitis testing and vaccinations; HIV testing; drug and alcohol support; and access to condoms, lube and gloves.
cliniQ is the UK’s first sexual health and well-being clinic aimed at supporting the trans community and their partners. This is a partnership with 56 Dean Street, Terrence Higgins Trust, Brook, GALOP and London Friend. cliniQ provides sensitive sexual health screening and access to counselling, drug and alcohol support, advocacy and much more.
Rise Partnership
The Rise Partnership provides sexual health services to Black African & Caribbean communities and gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) across Lambeth, Southwark & Lewisham (LSL). The Partership is led by Naz Project, with London Friend, GMFA and the Race Equality Foundation.
SASH offers sexual health services to people who live in three London boroughs: the City of Westminster, the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. SASH is a partnership, led by Turning Point, alongside NAZ, London Friend, METRO Charity, and Marie Stopes UK.
Turning Point
Turning Point is a national organisation providing support for substance missue, mental health and other health issues. We work in partnership with their South Westminster Service to provide a delivery space for our Antidote service in Soho. We're also developing a partnership with them to help improve access to services for LGB & T people experiencing drug & alcohol problems.
Turning Point Turning Point South Westminster