


The LGB&T community can be a difficult and diverse community to engage with. If your organisation, staff or service users need to gain more experience or knowledge of addiction, certain drugs, alcohol and the behaviours associated within the LGB&T community we can provide tailored, friendly and informative training.


Our services


  • LGBT Sensitivity/Awareness training for generic health services/charities
  • Key-work training for substance misuse workers
  • Awareness training for counsellors re LGB&T substance use
  • Changing trends in substance use – eg Crystal & GBL/H
  • LGB&T specific substance use, contributing factors, lifestyle and sexual behaviours
  • LGB&T sexual health as impacted by substance use – particularly amongst HIV/HepC adults


If you work at a service or charity that likes to engage your service-users in casual and frank discussions about managing their health or well-being better, particularly around LGB&T lifestyles or substance use, please get in touch.


To discuss your organisations training needs please call us on 020 7833 1674 or email.

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