We need PrEP on the NHS now – a community statement



A 10,000 place PrEP trial was never going to meet demand – it’s time to make PrEP available to all who need it


Alongside 31 other organisations, we are calling on NHS England and local authorities to ensure the routine availability of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) on the NHS in England by 1 April 2019.


That’s why we’ve signed a joint community statement We need PrEP on the NHS now.


The current three-year PrEP Impact trial isn’t fit for purpose. It’s capped at 10,000 places and within just eight months over 7,000 of these are taken.


Many participating clinics are now closed to gay and bisexual men, which means people are being turned away from clinics who are in need of PrEP – some of whom have contracted HIV as a result.


PrEP is almost 100% effective when taken as prescribed, it’s cost effective when measured against the cost of lifelong HIV treatment and care, and will ultimately stop many, many people from becoming HIV positive.


NHS England and local authority commissioners must start the process now to ensure PrEP is routinely available in sexual health clinics by 1 April 2019 at the latest. We believe the PrEP IMPACT trial should continue alongside routine commissioning.


Monty Moncrieff, Chief Executive at London Friend, said: “We need PrEP to be routinely available to all who need it. The limited places on the Impact Trial mean that many gay and bisexual men in London are not able to access it in this way. PrEP works – that’s well established. We can’t delay roll-out any longer.”


Read the full community statement and show your support on social using the hashtag #PrEPNow.

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