A series of new trans health factsheets has been produced by the National LGB & T Partnership. These factsheets have been prepared by members of the National LGB&T Partnership in collaboration with cliniQ, Mermaids, TransForum Manchester, with support from Public Health England.
The Factsheets have the following objectives:
- To promote the health and wellbeing of trans people
- To provide trans people with basic information about key aspects of good health and wellbeing and how secure it
- To signpost sources of information and support
They have been prepared with the interests and wellbeing of all members of the trans community in mind, including young people under the age of 17. They should also be helpful to families and friends as well as to service providers and employers.
We understand that trans people self-identify in many ways. We therefore use the term “trans” as an inclusive term which embraces, trans, trans*, transgender, gender nonconforming, gender variant, gender queer, non-binary, non gender and neutrois identities amongst others. Further we do not seek to lecture or judge behaviour. Our intention is simply to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of good health and wellbeing for trans people and how to go about securing them.
Fact sheets on the following topics are currently available:
Accessing Adult Gender Services in England
Ageing – Rising to the challenge
Trans Children, Teens & their Parents