London Friend announces new services for lesbian, bi and trans women


March 11th – 15th is National Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Women’s Health Week, and initiative of the National LGB&T Partnership, of which London Friend is a founder member.


The aim of LBT Women’s Health Week is to raise awareness about lesbian, bisexual and trans women’s health inequalities, to make it easier for service providers to empower service users and for communities to support LBT women.


Throughout the week we’ll be sharing social media posts with information and resources – follow all the updates with the hashtag #LBTWomensHealth19


We’re also pleased to announce a number of new projects aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of LBT women this year at London Friend.


New LBT women’s social group

We’re launching a new monthly social group for LBT women. Each group will feature an activity – at London Friend or an external venue – kicking off with an LBT women’s Crafternoon on Saturday 13th April, 1pm at London Friend. The group attendees will help shape the future activities, so bring your ideas along; we’ll have a small budget to help low and unwaged women attend when we run external activities, so ask out volunteers about this.


LBT women’s therapy group

A new group will launch later in the year, and we’ll be taking applications to join. Look out for updates on our social media. We’ll also be working with our partners SASH London to deliver this.


LBT women’s stand-up comedy workshops

It’s no joke, we’ll be offering the opportunity to develop your skills at stand-up comedy! From September we’ll host a launch night, and run a programme allowing you to hone your craft, with the opportunity to perform to a live audience in December. Again, look out for updates on our social media over the summer.


London LBT women’s engagement project

We’ll also be doing a piece of work to speak to other LBT women’s groups in London and look for opportunities to develop work together. We want to better understand how we can support LBT women and build links to groups already there supporting women in the capital. We’ll shortly be issuing an invitation to tender for this consultancy. If you run or organise a group or meeting and are interested in being involved, get in touch.


Our LBT women’s work is funded with a grant from the Tampon Tax Community Fund, through The London Community Foundation. Our huge thanks to them for their support.

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