Join us for a Sober Start to 2016



Today we’ve launched out Sober Start campaign, encouraging LGBT people to give up alcohol for January and kick start sustained reductions in their drinking. Those joining can be sponsored to enjoy a booze-free start to the year and raise money for Antidote, our specialist LGBT alcohol and drug service.


Research indicates that LGBT drink more, and more often, than society as a whole, and this could be increasing long-term risks to health. Sober Start is about taking a break, detoxing for a month after the excesses of Christmas and New Year, and thinking about reductions to drinking all year round.


Make January a corker


Having a month off can bring health benefits such as sleeping better and feeling more energised. Cutting back on a longer-term basis can reduce the risks of more serious alcohol-related health issues in later life.


Read more about the campaign on out Sober Start pages, where you’ll also find information to help you assess your own drinking and advice to cut down over time.


To sign up for sponsorship for your Sober Start, or to make a donation to the campaign, head to our Just Giving pages:

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