Antidote helpline:
Contact us to discuss your drug or alcohol issues on 020 7833 1674 (10am-6pm, Monday to Friday). Ask for one of the Antidote Team.
Drug & alcohol
support for women
Antidote is the UK's only LGB&T run and targeted drug and alcohol
support service. We can offer support around your drug or
alcohol use whether you are seeking to stop completely, cut
down, or gain more control. We can offer everything from a
friendly chat about your concerns to more individualised
one-to-one support.
As 'chemsex' has dominated the drug & alcohol debate on the LGBT scene for gay and bisexual men the support needs of lesbian, bisexual and trans women have often been overlooked. Antidote offers support for LBT women, delivered by women who have a good understanding of the pressures and problems that come with recreational drug or alcohol use.
Women workers are also available at all our mixed-sex services
including our weekly walk-in assessment service; Soho
drop-in; and one-to-one keywork and counselling. Please see
our website, email or call us for more details of times and
locations and how to self-refer.
Antidote drop ins
You can visit our drop ins where you will find a welcoming environment with experts available for a chat and a full assessment of your needs. Acupuncture and refreshments are available and no appointment is needed. Women workers are available to see you at the drop in.
Monday morning drop-in
When & where: 11am to 1pm at our main office - 86 Caledonian Road, N1 9DN.
Thursday evening drop-in
When & where: Thursday nights between 6pm and 8.30pm at 32a Wardour Street, London, W1D 6AQ.
If you want information or to get in touch contact or call us on 020 7833 1674.