Axis – a new chemsex clinic for south London



We’re really excited to announce the launch of a brand new chemsex support service in the heart of South London. Based at the Caldecot Centre, The Axis Clinic is a collaboration between our Antidote LGBT drug & alcohol service, working through the RISE Partnership, with Kings College Hospital sexual health and HIV support team; the HIV mental health liaison team from South London and Maudsley; and the After Party chemsex outreach team.


The Axis Clinic has been created to provide support mostly for men who have sex with men (MSM). Support is offered through a range of interventions aimed at supporting clients to achieve more positive outcomes in relation to HIV prevention and management, sexual health, mental health and substance (mis) use. The clinic is particularly targeted towards clients engaging in drug & sex linked behaviour or “chemsex”.


Services offered at the clinic include:


  • A dedicated sexual health clinic for men who have sex with men and transgender women
  • Advice, support and access to PrEP and PEP
  • Screening for sexually transmitted infections, HIV, Hepatitis B and C (Self screening or by appointment)
  • Vaccination for hepatitis A and B
  • Links into to HIV & hepatitis services at King's College Hospital
  • Chemsex harm reduction advice, information, interventions and, where necessary, referral into support services
  • Advice, interventions and triage ( where necessary ) for HIV+ clients whose mental health may have been compromised as a result of Chem use
  • Advice and information for patients whose risk behaviour could lead them to become HIV positive.
  • Psychiatric assessments and referral on as required
  • Access to sexual health peer mentoring


Every agency involved in the clinic has significant expertise  and by bringing them together clinic, The Axis Clinic can offer multi-disciplinary support and, where necessary, referral routes to clients who  may be experiencing issues in any of the areas already outlined but may not, for whatever reason, be accessing existing community support services.


The Axis Clinic is predominantly a drop in service for clients who would like advice, information and, support around chemsex.  Axis will also run alongside the existing PrEP clinic and clients booking sexual health and PrEP appointments will also have the option to book in for chemsex advice and support.


The Axis Clinic runs on Wednesday evenings from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm & is based at:


Caldecot Centre

15-22 Caldecot Rd, Camberwell, London SE5 9RS


For further information, contact Jamie Willis at



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