London Chemsex Network


London Chemsex Network for drug treatment services


Antidote at London Friend and After Party are services supporting gay and bisexual men engaged in chemsex in London. With chemsex continuing to be a prevalent issue for gay & bisexual men we are jointly hosting a scoping meeting for drug treatment services across London with a view to establishing a London Chemsex Network.


This is an opportunity to share knowledge and discuss the support being offered across London by drug treatment services, allowing us to share our understanding and build relationships across services. It is also an opportunity to discuss how chemsex impacts on HIV, and how services are able to support clients around new advances in HIV prevention such as PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis).


We invite staff representatives of London drug treatment services to join us for an initial scoping meeting on Thursday 26th January 11am – 1pm at Burrell Street sexual health clinic. 4-5 Burrell Street, London SE1 0UN. (Please note this is a change of the previously advertised address.)


Please RSVP to Monty Moncrieff at London Friend to confirm your attendance (we have a limited number of spaces):


We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.


We are grateful to Wandsworth Oasis for supporting this network.

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