New resource to reduce alcohol related harms for LGBT people


London Friend has worked with Public Health England and other members of the National LGB & T Partnership to produce a new briefing which aims to reduce alcohol related harms for LGBT people.


IBA briefing front page

Alcohol is the third biggest risk factor for ill health in the UK (after smoking and raised blood pressure). Research by the LGBT Foundation and Stonewall has found LGB people drink more than the population as a whole, and more often. The Trans Mental Health Study found 47% of trans people drank at high and potentially problematic levels.


Alcohol IBAs (Identification and Brief Advice interventions) are a key part of the Government’s strategy to reduce alcohol related harms, and have been extensively evaluated as effective in doing so. This briefing discusses IBAs in relation to LGB & T people, highlighting how they can be made available to more LGB & T people.


Healthcare staff already delivering alcohol IBAs can ensure their approach is culturally sensitive and LGB & T-inclusive. LGB & T organisations may be ideally placed to deliver IBAs in their existing screening and assessments processes, and alcohol commissioners can consider how the needs of LGB & T people are considered when planning and commissioning delivery of alcohol IBAs locally.


You can download the resource from the National LGB & T Partnership’s website. Please also complete the short survey linked on that page to provide feedback on the resource.

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