HIV Testing Week – Do You Know Your Status?


It’s HIV Testing Week! Do you know your status?


Antidote Team


This week is National HIV Testing Week. There’s never been a better time to test. Knowing your status allows you to take control of your own health and choices.


One in eight gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men (MSM) living in London are now HIV positive. However around 16% of MSM don’t know they have the virus.


Treatment is most effective where HIV is identified early so initiatives like HIV Testing Week aim to encourage men to test more regularly. Current UK guidance recommends that MSM test at least annually, but more often if they are having sex with new or casual partners.


Although we still have no cure for HIV, treatment is highly effective. It can stop HIV attacking the body and keep the level of the virus under control. People whose viral load becomes undetectable are at extremely low risk of passing on HIV.


You can find out more about HIV and safer sexual health on the great website from our partners GMFA.


Gay, bisexual and other MSM can test at one of our clinics in partnership with NHS sexual health services. We’re with the Mortimer Market Centre every Monday morning (9-12) and at Code Clinic at 56 Dean Street every Tuesday (5-7). Trans people can test with our specialist service cliniQ every Wednesday at 56 Dean Street (5-7). Alternatively you can find out where to test locally in the UK here.


For support around drug and/or alcohol use come to one of these clinics, or to our Antidote drop-ins – Monday morning in Kings Cross (11-1) or Thursday evening in Soho (6-8.30). We also work in partnership with the Club Drug Clinic.


Public Health England recommend that MSM test for HIV every 12 months, more regularly if you’re having sex with multiple, new or casual partners.


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London Friend is a local delivery partner with the national HIV Prevention England campaign. During HIV Testing Week we’ll be promoting the campaign throughout our services, our partnership clinics and through outreach.


You can support London Friend by making a regular or one-off donation here or by volunteering with us here.

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