Our trainers
London Friend’s trainers bring a wealth of experience from working both front line and strategically with LGB&T people and organisations. We train in a relaxed and comfortable style with plenty of time for participants to ask questions and exploration of issues you may be unfamiliar with.
We’ll also provide you with a range of additional resources for later reference or self-directed learning, and offer practical ways of applying learning in the workplace beyond the training course itself. We’re also happy to continue to support you following our training.
Monty Moncrieff – Monty is Chief Executive with London Friend and has over 15 years of experience working with LGB&T communities. Prior to London Friend he led on LGB&T equality for the Department Of Health managing a strategic national programme and working with a wide range of stakeholders, including contributions to the Government’s LGB&T action plans. He has provided training on a wide range of LGB&T issues as well as supported organisations to develop their service provision to LGB&T populations.
Jamie Willis - Jamie is Training and Outreach Manager for Antidote at London Friend. He has been working within the social care sector for over 10 years and has a background working with young people, LGBT populations, mental health, homelessness and more recently before joining the Antidote team, as Accident & Emergency substance misuse counsellor at a busy North West London hospital. He has extensive experience providing training on a wide range of substance misuse and LGBT issues.