

Click here for information about our upcoming training dates

London Friend can provide a range of support for professionals who need to consider LGB&T issues or develop service provision for this group. Under the Equality Act 2010 publicly funded service providers such as health services now have a duty to consider the needs of LGB&T people when planning and delivering their services, and ensure that their staff have an understanding of how to work with these communities sensitively and effectively.


We provide training in the following areas



London Friend training is designed to equip commissioners, managers and front-line staff with the knowledge and practical skills they require to engage with LGB&T issues and service users in a supportive way, whilst ensuring services meet their responsibilities under the law.


London Friend training can also support local authority and public health leads in the planning, development, and delivery of Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) and Joint Health and Well-Being Strategies (JHWS), ensuring LGB&T issues are included and local populations are adequately provided for. We can also provide practical advice on engaging LGB&T people with local planning and scrutiny such as Health Watch and the NHS Equality Delivery System.


Our training days are a fun and easy way to improve your LGB&T awareness, keep up to date with emerging trends and new legislation, and ensure that you can provide the best support to your LGB&T service users. All of our training can be adapted to suit individual needs, and we can provide bespoke training and consultancy to help your organisation address specific needs and develop its reputation with LGB&T clients.


To discuss your organisations training needs please call us on 020 7833 1674 or email.

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