“I came to London Friend when I was struggling with my sexuality – I felt ashamed. Having Friend to turn to changed my life. I met people at all stages of their coming out journey. It’s good to know I’m not alone – it’s opened up a new world for me. A year ago I would never have dreamt that I’d be telling my coming out story, but here I am.” Max

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Each year, with the help of over 100 volunteers, we support thousands of LGB&T people. Your donation matters. With your support we can continue to run social and coming out groups and drop-ins for vulnerable and isolated LGB&T people, offer low cost counselling, run a helpline and provide vital drug and alcohol support - we are the UK's only LGB&T specific drug and alcohol service.


Put simply, we cannot continue our work without your donations.Please support us by making a regular monthly donation.


You can make a regular or one off donation via the link below.


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If you would like us to send you a fundraising pack crammed with advice and resources, or want to discuss what you can do to help us, please email daniel@londonfriend.org.uk or call 020 7833 1674.


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