
Here you'll find a selection of videos about or featuring London Friend.



Pride in London 2016

Here's our 100-strong walking (and dancing) group enjoying the Pride In London 2016 Parade.



GSK IMPACT Awards 2016

London Friend is one of the 10 winners of the 2016 GSK IMPACT Awards, given in partnership with The King's Fund. This video was premiered at the Awards Ceremony in May 2016, and showcases the work of the organisation.



This video shows our Chief Executive Monty Moncrieff giving an acceptance speech at the Awards Ceremony.


And this is the 'reaction' video afterwards at the reception.




Our Antidote Training & Outreach Manager Jamie Willis discusses chemsex along with colleagues from the Mortimer Market Centre sexual health clinic.




National Diversity Awards 2014

London Friend is the oldest LGBT charity in the UK, promoting improved health & wellbeing. In August 2014 we were shortlisted for a National Diversity Award in the LGBT Community Organisation category. Here some of our service users and volunteers give their thoughts on why they believe London Friend should win.



My Friend, London Friend

This great video will tell you everything you need to know about London Friend and the services we provide.


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